Cookies Policy

This Cookie Policy details how we collect information from your device through the use of Cookies

Updated: 20 July 2023

Welcome to the Cookie Policy

Cookie Notice

You should be aware that when you access or use our Service, we may collect information from your devices through the use of 'cookies' and similar technologies. Cookies perform various different functions, often to improve your user experience. The purpose of this policy is to give you a clearer understanding of:


What are cookies and similar technologies?

Why do we use cookies?

How we use cookies?

Contact Us


What are cookies and similar technologies?

A cookie is a small (text) file that is stored by the browser on your computer when you visit our website. Si

In this notice, the terms “cookies”, “similar technologies” or “trackers” are used interchangeably to refer to all technologies that we may use to store data in your browser or device or that facilitate collection of personal information.


Why do we use cookies?

Strictly Necessary, Functionality, and Performance Cookies are used by our websites and app to improve your experience, to ensure relevant content and functions are delivered.

We use both session cookies and persistent cookies to perform various functions across our sites.

Session cookies are downloaded to your device temporarily for the period that you browse a particular website; these cookies might allow you to navigate between pages more efficiently or enable websites to remember the preferences you select. Persistent cookies can be used to help websites remember you as a returning visitor.



How we use cookies?

While there are many different uses for first and third party cookies, the cookies used by us fall into one of the following three categories:


1.        Strictly Necessary Cookies

2.       Functionality Cookies

3.       Performance Cookies


Set out below is more information on these categories of cookies, including their purpose and whether these cookies collect personal data:


Cookie Type - Strictly Necessary Cookies


These cookies are required to enable you to navigate our websites and to use the features you have requested during the course of your application. They are used to provide content to you, as a user, and to provide products and services that you have requested. If we did not use these cookies, our services would not work as designed.


More Information

Here are some examples of strictly necessary cookies:

·         Allowing you to navigate smoothly through our websites;

·         Showing content in the best format for your device or browser and positioning it for your screen;

·         To route your online requests to the best server available at the time;

·         To ensure that our services are provisioned with security and fraud protection.

·         Data Collection

Some of these cookies do collect your personal data in order to function. They may collect the following types of personal data:

IP address

Location data

Identify you as being logged in to our websites

Cookie Validity

These cookies are deleted when you close your web browser (browser session).



Cookie Type - Functionality Cookies


These cookies are used to recognise you when you return to our websites, allow us to remember the choices you make, any preferences you provide and they enable us to improve product features. Functional cookies record information about choices you've made and allow us to provide more personal features. If we cannot use these cookies, you will still be able to use our services but some preferences or features may not be remembered.


More Information

Here are some examples of the uses of functionality cookies:

·         To remember if you have used a specific product on the website; and

·         To show you relevant 'related article' links.

·         Data Collection


Some of these cookies do collect your personal data in order to function. They may collect the following types of personal data:

IP address

Location data

Identify you as being logged in to our websites


Cookie Validity

Functional cookies expire after a maximum 2 years. Functionality cookies can be deleted from your browser history at any point before their expiry time.




Cookie Type - Performance Cookies


These cookies are used to collect information on website usage. Such cookies are used to provide aggregated statistics on visitors to our websites. These statistics are used for internal purposes to help us to test and improve the performance of our websites, providing a better user experience. If we cannot use these cookies, our ability to provide a smooth user experience across all devices may be degraded.


More Information

Here are some examples of the uses of performance cookies:

·         To provide statistics on how our websites are used;

·         To assess errors within the user experience.

·         Additionally, we use a number of tools to assess cookie information at an aggregate level to carry out analytical functions on our site including, Google Analytics.

Data Collection

While these cookies do not identify you personally while you are not logged in, they will collect your browser information and anonymised data, for the purposes outlined above.

In certain cases, some of these cookies are managed by third parties such as Google Analytics. These third parties are not capable of using these cookies for any purpose other than those outlined above and they are unable to identify you with these cookies.


Cookie Validity

Performance cookies are valid for varying periods. Some performance cookies are deleted once you close your browser, while others have an indefinite validity period. Such cookies can be deleted at any stage using your browser settings. Click here to see how you can control the use of cookies.





Contact Us

If you have any questions about how we use Cookies, you can contact us by emailing